Becoming a Registered Play Therapist

Want to learn more about becoming a Registered Play Therapist TM ? Visit APT’s Credentialing Homepage today!

Play Therapy Job Opportunities

IAPT is offering a space for agencies to promote job opportunities specific to play therapy. Postings can be listed for 2 weeks ($25) or 4 weeks ($50) through Venmo: @IAPT. Job listings will be posted once payment is received and will be removed after the contracted time period.

Agencies interested in listing job opportunities specific to play therapy can complete the form at this link.

Job Listing Google Form

Current Job Listings

*Beginning January 1st, 2020, all supervision hours for RPT/S credentials must be completed with an RPT-S. Please contact us with any questions or concerns at:

Play Therapy Supplies

A listing of our favorite play therapy suppliers.

Professional Organizations